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MarketPlace filter structure and description

Offer's JSON structure and fields description

  • Blockchain can keep hundreds of thousands of offers and fetching a particular set of offers need to have a filtering mechanism.
  • EvoX daemon has a built-in effective search engine, which can represents marketplace offers in a few different orders, with wide filtering options provided in this structure.


od: {
      "offset": 0,
      "limit": 100,
      "amount_low_limit": 0,
      "amount_up_limit": 0,
      "category": "",
      "keyword": "",
      "location_city": "",
      "location_country": "",
      "offer_type_mask": 0,
      "order_by": 0,
      "primary": "",
      "rate_low_limit": "0.000000",
      "rate_up_limit": "0.000000",
      "reverse": false,
      "target": "",
      "timestamp_start": 0,
      "timestamp_stop": 0

Fields description:

order_by - chose in how to order offers in selection.

  • At this moment supported following ordering:
order_by value Order Type
0 Order by timestamp (most usable)
1 Order by an amount of EvoX
2 Order by the amount of specified currency
3 Order by rate, which calculated as the amount currency divided to amount EvoX
4 Order by payment type(as string)
5 Order by contact field(as string)
6 Order by location: country string concatenated with city string
7 Order by target string, basically title string
  • reverse - Reverse order

  • offset - Offset regarding first item which fit specified filter, count include only items which fit the filter.

    Userful for enumeration big amount or records, up to whole offers database enumeration.

  • limit - Maximum records to return.

  • amount_low_limit - filter offers selection by field amount of specified currency at lower boundary.

  • amount_up_limit - filter offers selection by field amoun of specified currency t at higher boundary.

  • category - fiter by category, work's as substring matching,

    i.e. if categories set to "CLS:MAN:TSH" and filters category fileds set to "MAN" then it fits category condition.

  • keyword - This use search by keyword throught the all fields.

  • location_city - Used to filter by city name or geo-tag

  • location_country - Filters by country code.

  • offer_type_mask - Specify type of the offer:

Number Offer Type
0x00000001 Offer type 0 (buy currency for EvoX)
0x00000002 Offer type 1 (buy EvoX for currency)
0x00000004 Offer type 2 (buy goods for EvoX)
0x00000008 Offer type 3 (sell goods for EvoX)
  • rate_low_limit - Filter by low limit of the rate between EvoX and currency amount currency divided to amount EvoX)

  • rate_up_limit - Filter by up limit of the rate between EvoX and currency amount currency divided to amount EvoX)

  • target - Basically a title for subject of the Offer - could be the name of the goods or currency which supposed to be traded.

  • timestamp_start - Setup a lower timestamp boundary. Useful if the offers are selecting for given time range.

  • timestamp_stop - Setup a higher timestamp boundary. Useful if the offers are selecting for given time range.