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Manage Wallet

Managing wallet

  • EvoX app lets you manage multiple EvoX wallets, which can be easily created, restored and removed from the app.
  • The core of each wallet is a seed phrase.
  • It's a sequence of 24 words, that can be used to recovery your wallet private and public keys.
  • Every time you create a new wallet within the app, a unique sequence is generated.
  • It's important to always keep it safe and accessible.
  • For your convenience it's not necessary to use a seed phrase to manage your wallet.
  • When you create a wallet the wallet file is generated as well.
  • The file is secured with additional password and grants access to wallet features and the seed phrase.
  • It can be copied to another device and used with another app.

Creating Wallets

  • There are 3 ways to open a wallet in EvoX app.
  • From the Add Wallet section choose

1. Create new wallet

a. Enter wallet name and password

b . Click Select Wallet Location to choose wallet file location and name

c. Continue with Create wallet

d. Save shown seed phrase in a secure place and click Create

2. Open existing wallet

a . Locate wallet file

b . Enter password then open wallet

3. Restore from backup

a . Enter new wallet info

b . Recover and enter previously stored seed phrase

c . Click Select wallet location to choose wallet file location and name

d . Continue with Create Wallet

Wallet details

  • Each EvoX wallet can be identified by a custom name assigned on creation.
  • This name can be edited in Wallet Details section anytime.
  • Information about wallet file location and it's seed phrase available here as well.

You can copy the seed phrase by clicking right mouse button over it and choosing COPY from the context menu."

  • You can remove a wallet from the EvoX app by clicking Close wallet the X button in the same section.

Wallet file will remain unaffected and you can import it again anytime if necessary."

Changing wallet password

  • In case you want to change wallet file password, you need to use Restore from backup.
  • The following step will be required.

    1 . Make sure you have the seed phrase saved

    2 . Click Close wallet from wallet Details

    3 . Delete wallet file

    4 . Click +Add Wallet menu and choose Restore from backup

    5 . Enter new wallet info

    6 . Recover and enter previously stored seed phrase

    7 . Click Select wallet location to choose wallet file location and name

    8 . Continue with Create wallet